HS Lit Classwork for Nov 19



1. Grammar Starter

2. Vocabulary Review

3. RBoC Quiz #2

4. Review HW Questions

Chapters 8-16

  1. What happens to Jim Conklin? How does Henry respond? How does the wounded “tattered man” treat Henry? Why does Henry desert him?

  2. Why does Henry envy the other soldiers? How does he become wounded? What is ironic, or contradictory, about his “red badge”?

  3. What fear does Henry have as he returns to his regiment? How is he received? What loud remarks does Henry make as the regiment waits to fight?

  4. What change does Henry notice in his friend Wilson? How, in your opinion, does Wilson provide a foil, or contrast, to Henry?

  5. Do you think that Henry’s thoughts and actions in Chapters 8 through 16 illustrate some basic tendencies that all human beings have?

5. Reading Activities

Character Review Use this Worksheet

Henry Fleming (also called “the youth”). Henry is the main character, and the novel is told from his perspective. He enlists in the Union Army dreaming of battle as some- thing glorious and romantic. His character and how it changes over the course of the battle is the focus of the novel.

Wilson (also called “the loud soldier” and, later in the novel, “the youth’s friend”). Wilson is a soldier in the same regiment as Henry, the 304th. His outlook toward the world, and especially toward battle, changes over the course of the novel. He and Henry become good friends.

Jim Conklin (also called “the tall soldier” and, later in the novel, “the spectral soldier”). Jim is another soldier in the 304th regiment. He is the soldier who spreads the news that the regiment will soon see action. He is less confident about his abilities than Wilson.

The tattered soldier. The tattered soldier is one of the wounded soldiers whom Henry meets. He is eager to become Henry’s friend.

Henry’s mother. While Henry’s mother does not take part in the action of the story, Henry thinks about her in the beginning of the novel. She is not eager to see her son go to war, but when he enlists she gives him advice.

Lieutenant Hasbrouck (usually called “the lieutenant”).The lieutenant seems always eager to face battle. At first, Henry does not like him much, but later comes to respect him more. The lieutenant is mostly characterized by his swearing oaths.

Colonel MacChesney (usually called “the colonel”). The colonel helps to care for Henry after he is injured.

The general. The general always appears on horseback. He orders the men to perform actions and seems not to care about the fate of individual men. Later in the book, he orders the 304th regiment to perform a dangerous action.

The officer. One character, called only “the officer,” insults the 304th regiment, making Henry very angry.

The veterans. The veteran soldiers as a group are far more bold and confident than the recruits. They seem to know what to do in every situation and often mock the more inexperienced men.

Watch video from slideshow and answer question on your own paper if you are doing this from home.
