1. Grammar Starter what do you have to show at the gate in order for it to be opened to you asked christian i know my lords will said ignorance and ive lived a good life
2. Review Vocabulary
Chapter 16
Apostasy - having rejected your religious beliefs
Inscription - letters engraved or carved on something
Wanton - spend one's time idly or inefficiently
Apostate - not faithful to religion
Assault - physical or verbal attack
Exclude - keep out; not include
Birthright - an inheritance coming by right of birth
Chapter 17
Entangle - twist together into a confusing mass
Flatter - praise somewhat dishonestly
Chastise - express disapproval severely
Rebuke - express disapproval severely or angrily
Cease - end or have an end
Chapter 18
Alert - very attentive or observant
Conviction - final judgment of guilty in a criminal case
Companion - a traveler who goes with you
Justify - declare or make right
Mediator - person who makes peace between those in conflict
Intercede - to act between parties with a view to making peace
Condemnation - pronouncing as wrong
Vileness - being wicked
3. Quiz #7 (see slideshow)
4. Grammar Review Game
5. Review HW questions
Chapter 16
- What happened to Little-Faith? He fell asleep along the way, and three brothers, Faintheart, Mistrust, and Guilt, robbed him and beat him so that he had to travel the rest of his journey in poverty. He didn’t lose his Certificate to get in at the Celestial gate, but it didn’t bring much comfort to him because of the sadness he felt about being robbed and beaten. He spent a lot of his time telling his people how badly misused he had been.
- What should we do to avoid robbers and thieves on the King’s highway? P171 1. Go out equipped, and be sure to take a shield (of faith) with us. 2. Ask the King for an escort—that He go with us himself.
Chapter 17
- Where did the white robed man lead them? He led them away from the City and into a net.
- Who was that man? The Dark Man, Flatterer, a False Apostle p174
- Why did the Shining One chastise the Pilgrims? He disciplined them because they did not use the Map, did not beware of the Flatterer. The Shining One said, “Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline.” Rev. 3:19
- Why did Atheist laugh? P176 He laughs to see their ignorance to take on such an exhausting journey. He says they will have nothing for their pains because he doesn’t believe in the Celestial City.
Chapter 18
- What does the sleep of the Enchanted Ground represent? (1 Thessalonians 5:6) It symbolizes not being alert and self-controlled.
- What should Christians do to “prevent drowsiness” in such a place? They should walk along the Way together, reminding each other of the Word and encouraging each other.
- Summarize Hopeful’s coming to know Christ in 3 sentences. (This is Bunyan’s story) He spent much time in Vanity Fair doing those things that tend to destroy the soul until he heard Faithful talk about how those things result in death. He tried shutting his eyes to his sin, mending himself, and finally, with Faithful’s suggesting, appealing to Jesus by whom he could be justified. He doubted such a great sinner could be accepted, but “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”
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