1. Define the vocabulary for chapters 7-10 in your PLaR Homework Packet using the PLaR Dictionary.
2. Read chapters 7-10 in Peace Like A River by Leif Enger. If you do not have a print copy of the book, you can download a pdf (for free) from this website.
3. Answer the questions for chapters 7-10 in your PLaR Homework Packet .
3. Answer the questions for chapters 7-10 in your PLaR Homework Packet .
4. Grammar: Write five sentences including participial phrases. (See what I did there?) This is a take-home grammar test. Use this handout.
5. Journal: Have you ever had a job to earn money? How did you spend it? Did you buy wants or needs? How would you feel if you (at your age) had to earn money to support your family? How would you handle that situation? Write at least seven sentences and title this "Budget."
6. Take Peace Like a River Quiz #1 from GradeSaver. Record your score in your literature section of your notebook.
7. Complete your rough draft of your Peace Like a River essay. This means to COMPLETE your essay and bring what you have (either typed or handwritten) to class next week. We will discuss the revising and editing process in class next week, and you will need your completed essay in class with you.
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