HS Lit Homework from October 8

1. Using this VOCABULARY LISTFill in your vocabulary in your HW Packet.

2. Read HF chapters 18-22. Answer the following questions in complete sentences in your Huck Finn question packet.

  1.  How did Jim and Huck meet the king and duke? 
  2. Does Huck believe their story? 
  3. Give two examples of the "cleverness" of the king and duke. 
  4. Why did the people return to the show?

3. Read "For My People" by Margaret Walker
1. Who are Margaret Walker's people? 
2. In two or three sentences explain what this poem says about those people. Are you one of them?
3. Write your own "For My People" poem with at least two stanzas explaining who your people are and one stanza giving a blessing for your people. Use Walker's poem as a guide.

4. Grammar: 
Read page … about appositives in A New Grammary. Write four appositive sentences using the formula: Subject, APP, rest of IC. Your sentences should be about four different characters from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
