1. Read HF chapters 30-37. Use the VOCABULARY LIST. (This is list has been updated 10/26/24 9am to include all of the words on your list. Sorry for the confusion! Look at the end of the list.)
2. Answer the following questions in complete sentences in your homework packet. Use one sentence for each question unless otherwise instructed.Chapters 30-32
1. Why is Huck upset when Jim is sold?
2. Why is it important that Huck says, "All right, then, I'll go to hell."?
Chapters 32-37
1. Why does Huck assume Tom Sawyer's identity?
2. What happens when Tom appears on the scene?
3. What's the difference between Tom's plan for freeing Jim and Huck's?
4. How does Huck change when Tom comes? 3. Study All Vocabulary.
4. Watch this VIDEO ABOUT HUCK FINN until minute 5:45 (NO FARTHER!) and answer the following questions:
1. Did Twain like the novel as he was writing it? What quote from Twain does the video give about what Twain might do with the novel when he was finished with it?
2. What, according to the beginning of the book, does "being civilized" mean?
3. Why is Jim important to Huck?
5. Work on your 5 Paragraph Essay Outline. This essay is due November 5!
6. Journal Entry: When the rapscallions get sympathy after pretending to be brothers of the deceased Peter Wilks, Huck says it is “enough to make a body ashamed of the human race.” Think of an event from the news, a movie, or your own life that made you ashamed or embarrassed of the human race. Why do you think the blame falls on everyone rather than just the guilty party?
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