HS Lit Classwork for Oct. 29


1. grammar starter

with courage you will dare to take risks have the strength to be compassionate and the wisdom to be humble courage is the foundation of integrity is an inspiring quote from keshavan nair

Review Vocabulary

2. Quick Quiz

3. Check HW/Go over HW questions

Chapters 30-32
1.  Why is Huck upset when Jim is sold? 
2.  Why is it important that Huck says, "All right, then, I'll go to hell."? 

Chapters 32-37 
1.  Why does Huck assume Tom Sawyer's identity? 
2.  What happens when Tom appears on the scene? 
3.  What's the difference between Tom's plan for freeing Jim and Huck's? 
4.  How does Huck change when Tom comes? 

4. Review Irony, Foreshadowing, Symbolism, Hyperbole, Imagery

SYMBOLISM and THEMES in Huck Finn HANDOUT and notes

6. Go over HW
