HS Lit Homework from September 24

1. Using this VOCABULARY LIST, find three slang words that Huck uses and define them.

2. Read HF chapters 1-9. In your Homework Packetanswer the following questions in complete sentences.

Chapters 1-3 
1.  Identify: Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer, Jim, Miss Watson and Widow Douglas. (1 sentence for each)
2.  What does Huck think about religion -- specifically the good place, the bad place and prayer? 3.  Contrast Huck and Tom.  What are their main differences? 

Chapters 4-7 
1. Why did Huck give his money to Judge Thatcher? 
2.  Describe Pap Finn.  What kind of a person is he? 
3.  Why does Pap yell at Huck for becoming civilized?  Is he right? 
4.  What was Huck's plan of escape from his father? 

Chapters 8 - 9 
1.  What purpose(s) does Huck's death serve? 
2.  How does Huck meet Jim on Jackson's Island?  Why is Jim there? 
3.  What is in the two story house that floats by? 

3. Watch the following 60 second recap video and answer the question in your Homework Packet in complete sentences.
What kind of book is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?

4. Grammar: Write a poem using sentences written with these formulas. Your poem can be serious or silly. Use the ANG pages about compound sentences, complex sentences, and prepositions if you need guidance for the meaning of these formulas.
  1. POP IC.
  2. IC POP.
  3. IC POP DC.
  4. DC POP, IC.
  5. POPPOP, IC.
  6. IC, conj IC.
  7. IC; IC.
  8. IC: conjAd, IC.
5. Journal: On your own paper labeled with the date, answer the following question in 7 sentences: Have you read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn before? What did you think of it? If you haven't, what do you think it will be about? What do you expect from the book and our study of it?
