HS Lit Classwork for October 1


1. Grammar Starter 

Review Vocabulary

2. Quick Quiz

3. Grammar: Read POP poems

4. Check HW/Go over Qs
Chapters 1-3 
1.  Identify: Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer, Jim, Miss Watson and Widow Douglas. (1 sentence for each)
2.  What does Huck think about religion -- specifically the good place, the bad place and prayer? 
3.  Contrast Huck and Tom.  What are their main differences? 

Chapters 4-7 
1. Why did Huck give his money to Judge Thatcher? 
2.  Describe Pap Finn.  What kind of a person is he? 
3.  Why does Pap yell at Huck for becoming civilized?  Is he right? 
4.  What was Huck's plan of escape from his father? 

Chapters 8 - 9 
1.  What purpose(s) does Huck's death serve? 
2.  How does Huck meet Jim on Jackson's Island?  Why is Jim there? 
3.  What is in the two story house that floats by? 

AND : What kind of book is Huck Finn?

(Read article about the "N Word" that we didn't get to last week.)

-----Time to work on HW in class----
