HS Lit Homework from August 20


  • Read The AofBF pages 1-first paragraph page 19
  • Here's a scan of these first 19 pages. If you have a different copy of the book, you can check to see where my page 19 is. You only need to read to that first paragraph on my page 19.

As you read, answer these questions in the Lit section of your notebook.

1. What business did B.F.’s ancestors do?
2. Read BF's acrostic p4. Write one for your name (first, middle, last, or all)
3. How did B.F.’s family read the Bible during the reign of Queen Mary? P5
4. When and Why did B.F.’s family move to the Americas?
5. How many siblings did B.F. have?
6. At what ages did B.F. attend school? 
7. What did B.F. want to do at age 10?
8. What is B.F.’s early example of leadership? P7 
9. What did B.F. learn when he built a wharf with stolen stones?
10. What are five adjectives to describe B.F.’s father?
11. How did B.F.’s father teach his children? (top of p8)
12. What was B.F. fond of as a child? On what did he spend his money
13. To what did B.F. indenture at 12 years of age?
14. Does B.F. approve of arguments and disputes? Why or why not? P10
15. What were B.F.’s father’s remarks on his writing?
16. What diet change did B.F. make at age 16?How did this diet change give B.F. more $$ and more time?How did this diet change help him learn math/arithmetic?
17. Why was James imprisoned? Who took over the printing business while James was incarcerated?
18. What does B.F. consider one of the first errors of his life? P16
19. How old was B.F. when he came to NYC?
20. What were the unlikely beginnings B.F. made in Philadelphia? Where did B.F. first sleep in Philadelphia?

OPTIONAL: Watch this video offering a succinct and thorough summary of The AofBF. Check your answers to some of the above questions using the video.

  • unchecked

    Week 1 Grammar: Read pages 6-13 about nouns, pronouns, verbs, and adjectives. On your own lined paper write one sentence for each part of speech. For the noun sentence circle all the nouns and label them using the list on page 6 if you can. Do the same for pronouns, verbs, and adjectives. You will have four sentences. Make sure there are two circled words in each sentence.

    A New Grammary pages 6-13

  • unchecked

    Week 1 JournalWrite your journal on your own lined paper and save it in your notebook. You will write one each week, and these will all be taken up together on September 24. Label each journal entry with a title and a date.

Date this week: August 20, 2024 

Title this week: Who Am I? 

Benjamin Franklin has been called leading writer, printer, political philosopher, politician, freemason, postmaster, scientist, inventor, humorist, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat.What would you call yourself? Why? Write at least seven sentences in the little journal I gave you in class.
