1. Grammar Starter
2. Review Vocabulary
3. Quiz #8 (see slideshow)
4. Grammar: Rvw. and Paragraph
5. Review HW questions
Chapter 19
- What does Ignorance’s heart tell him? What does the Bible say of it? His heart tells him that he has left everything for God. Proverbs 28:26 says, “He who trusts his own heart is a fool.” His heart comforts him of heaven and tells him that his life and heart agree. P190 Romans 3:10 says that there is no one who does good.
- What is the problem with Ignorance believing that Christ’s death makes his works acceptable? He is still trusting at least somewhat in his own righteousness. This is contrary to the teachings of the Bible and could lead to condemnation.
- What are the effects of true saving faith (knowing Christ has done it all)? We cause our heart to bow to God and Christ, causing our heart to love His name, His Word, ways, and people.
- How does Christian describe the right kind of fear? P195 1. It’s caused by conviction of sin. 2. It drives us to lay firm hold of Christ. 3. It produces reverence for God, His Word, and His ways, keeping the soul tender and making it afraid to turn from them toward anything that may dishonor God, break its peace, drive the Spirit or cause the enemy to speak reproachfully.
Chapter 20
- Why did Christian and Hopeful fall sick at the sight of the Kingdom for which they are bound? They are sick with desire to be in the Celestial city. They were lovesick.
- What does the river (that must be passed through to get to the gate) symbolize? The river symbolizes death. “You shall find it deeper or shallower as you believe in the King of this place.”
- About what did Christian and Hopeful talk with the Shining Ones? They talk about the glory of the place. P206
- How were Christian and Hopeful welcomed to the gate of the Glorious City? Trumpeters greet and salute them and lead them toward the gate. They made Christian and Hopeful feel very welcome. They called at the gate and many patriarchs received their certificates, and the King commanded the gates opened that they might enter. As they enter the gate, their clothes are transformed and they are given harps and crowns. The bells rang and they were invited to participate in the Master’s happiness.
- What happened to Ignorance at the gate? He was bound hadn’t and foot and thrown into Hell.
6. Journal Activity with Journal Assessment Sheet--if you are doing this as a make up assignment at home, you may answer these questions for yourself.
7. Discuss HW for next week--study and poetry packet
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