MS Lit HW from Feb 24/26

1. Read Pilgrim's Progress, chapters 19-20.
Answer the questions for chapters 19-20 from your Pilgrim's Progress HW Packet.

Fill in the Vocabulary from you Pilgrim's Progress HW Packet for chapters 19-20 using the Pilgrim’s Progress Dictionary. 

2. Grammar:  Write six sentences with adjective clauses on Assignment #8 in your Grammar HW Packet

4. Fill in your Journal from your journal packet:  What does The Pilgrim's Progress have to do with your life? To which characters are you similar and why? Write at least seven sentences, title this journal entry The Pilgrim's Progress  and put the date on your journal entry.


  1. I updated it with a link. It was handed out in class.

  2. I have made a Revised Pilgrim's Progress Dictionary to help everyone find the vocab words more easily. The link is here:


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