MS Lit Classwork for Feb 10/12

1. Grammar Starter

2. Vocabulary Review 

Chapter 10

Avenger - someone who gives punishment

Tempered - made hard or flexible by heat treatment

pilgrimage - a journey to a sacred place

Brimstone - an old name for sulfur

Object - express disagreement

Deceptive - to deceive or mislead 

Detestable - unequivocally detestable; offensive to the mind

Chapter 11

Profitable - apromoting benefit or gain

Deplore - express strong disapproval of; regret strongly

Conviction - a final judgment of guilty

Rascal - unreliable scoundrel

Fraud - deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage

Depravity - morally corrupt

Rashly - in a hasty and foolhardy manner

Besieged - surrounded by hostile forces

Chapter 12

Significance - the quality of being important

Commodities - things bought and sold

Wares - articles offered for sale

Slanderously - in a false manner

Interrogate - ask a series of questions 

Attire - clothing for a particular occasion

Hostility - in a very unfriendly way

Vengeance - taking revenge 

Heretic - a person who holds different religious beliefs

3. The Pilgrim's Progress Quiz #5

4. Check HW and go over questions

Chapter 10

  1. What happened when Christian felt proud that he had gotten in front of Faithful?

  1. Why was Faithful tempted to go and work for Adam the First? What made him turn away from this old man?

  1. Why was Moses beating Faithful and who saved him?

  1. What did Shame, a man Faithful met in the Valley of Humiliation, have to say?

  1. How did Faithful respond to Shame?

Chapter 11

  1. Does Christian like Talkative? Why or why not?

  1. What does Faithful mean when he says that talking and doing are two different things?

  1. Why does Talkative leave Faithful? 

  1. What does Evangelist tell them will happen in the next town?

Chapter 12

  1. Describe Vanity Fair.

  1. What was different about Faithful and Christian from the men and women of Vanity Fair?

  1. What did the men of the fair do to Faithful and Christian?

5. Complete Character Notes from last class

6. Share Personal Allegories. (If you're at home, please have an online student email you their Personal Allegory for you to review.)

7. Review Homework
PP 16-18 pp163-186; Vocab/ read/questions
3 sentences with prepositional phrases
Journal Entry, first journal check Feb. 28/March 2
Read over The Pilgrim's Progress Comic Book to the part about Giant Despair. This will be fun and help you understand what you have read so far.
