Personal Allegory, Due February 10/12

An Allegorical Painting
by Thomas Cole

The Pilgrim's Progress is an allegory, a story with a (not so) hidden moral meaning. We can learn about the life of John Bunyan by reading his allegory. For instance, we have learned in this lesson on January 10/12, that many of the places in The Pilgrim's Progress mirror the town where Bunyan grew up. Even the Slough of Despond can be an interpretation of the deep part of the marshy field Bunyan's family had to walk through to get to church each Sunday.

The Personal Allegory will have these elements:

  • a clear plot
  • a Biblical lesson
  • a main character representing yourself
  • at least three supporting characters
  • a problem and resolution
  • a fictional setting
  • at least five middle school paragraphs and no more than 15 middle school paragraphs or the approximate equivalent. (This also can be thought of as 2-5 pages.) 
*middle school paragraph = clear, effective paragraph with at least 5 sentences, at least two of which are complex

The Personal Allegory will follow this outline:

  • describe the setting
  • introduce the characters
  • introduce the problem
  • have the characters solve the problem
Your story should be typed!
Refer to page 55 of the (dragon version) of A New Grammary for style guide for typing.
