MS Classwork for Jan 6/8

1.  No grammar starter/No quiz

2. Welcome Back! Hand out grammar homework packet. Do short grammar lesson and talk about Christmas break.

Hand out Syllabus and go over-

2. Explain Allegory: a representation of meaning beyond or in addition to the literal meaning of what has been depicted. For example: the Statue of Liberty is a statue that literally depicts a woman wearing a crown and carrying a torch; allegorically, the statue represents the concept of "liberty." (
Show (out of order and choose which one represents which stage of life) The Voyage of Life by Thomas Cole from
Old Age

3. Intro to Pilgrim's Progress. Using the John Bunyan article, fill out the John Bunyan timeline as we read the article as a class.

4. Show PP map. Talk about the outline of the book.
Copy this quote on the top of your timeline:
"If you will go with us, you must go against wind and tide. You must own religion in his rags as well as his silver slippers; and stand by him, too, when bound in irons as well as when he walks the streets with applause."

5. Watch From minute 5:00 to 8:45 of this video. (Explain that this is a poem summarizing the story.)

6. Hand out The Pilgrim's Progress JOURNAL PACKET and GRAMMAR PACKET.

Go over homework
