HS Lit Homework from Feb. 6



Full text of book online

1. Fill in chapters 12-14 of your Vocabulary Cloze Worksheet for CoB using your CoB Dictionary.

2. Read City of Beasts, chapters 12-14.

3. Answer the Questions for CoB chapters 12-14.

Chapter 12

  1. Why had Alex and Nadia been invited to be the first foreigners (nahab) ever in Tapirawa-teri?
  2. What did the People of the Mist do to show their mourning for Chief Mokarita?
  3. What is the mood of the tribe after Mokarita’s death? Why?
  4. Who did the men decide had been responsible for Mokarita’s death? What did Nadia do about this?
  5. Briefly tell the story of Wlimai’s spirit wife.
  6. What animal did Nadia become in her “magic potion” induced vision?
  7. What happened to the burnt residue of Mokarita?
  8. Who were the chiefs that Iyomi named?
  9. What is the final test of Alex’s ceremony to become a man?
Chapter 13
  1. What does Walimai tell Alex might help with his mom’s sickness?
  2. Where are Nadia and Alex going with Wlimai?
  3. What does Alex realize at the base of the tepee?
  4. How did Walimai lead them to the city?
  5. What creature did they see in the jeweled cave?
  6. Describe the “city” they found.
Chapter 14
  1. Who lived in this city?
  2. How do the Beasts help the People of the Mist?
  3. What does Alex hope will happen to the People of the Mist and the Beasts?
  4. What is the Rahakanariwa?
  5. What did Alex offer the gods?
  6. How did they respond?

4. Grammar: Essay due next week! Use the literary elements notes and the outline given in class on Jan. 30 to aid in writing your essay.

5. Journal entry: Title this entry "My Culture." In class, we discussed what culture is and how ours is different from other countries, areas, and families. What is your culture? Describe your values, morals, beliefs, behaviors, and customs that make your family unique. How would these differ from the values, morals, etc. of the People of the Mist? Write at least five sentences. End your journal entry with a Bible verse that has something to do with your personal culture. Write at least one sentence after the Bible verse to tell me why you chose this verse.
