MS Lit Homework from March 4/6

New Syllabus Link (ignore the second page)

1. Read Bark of the Bog Owl, chapters 1-3

2. Answer questions for chapters 1-3.

3. Fill in chapters 1-3 of your vocabulary close worksheet using the BotBO dictionary. You will be quizzed on these words in class on Wednesday. 

4. Grammar: Assignment #6 from your Grammar Homework Packet.

4.Write your journal in your Journal PacketReread Aidan’s poem on page 6, “Aidan of the Tam I am.” Create a poem to mimic Aidan’s. Your poem doesn’t have to rhyme, but it does need to follow the pattern of telling about yourself in as exciting of terms as you can. Start your poem “______ of the _____I am” (I would say “Olivia of the mountain I am.”)


  1. a lot of work, but I don't care. (but I certainly will if the teacher adds more next week)


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