AMH Dictionary


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AMH Dictionary

Aborigine - the earliest known inhabitants of a region

Abridge - cut short

Absence - failure to be present

Absorb - take in

Abstain - choose not to consume

Acquire - to gain

Adequate - acceptable; enough to meet a purpose

Adjacent - close to but not necessarily touching

Adornment - a decoration

Adverse - contrary to your interests or welfare

Alacrity - liveliness and eagerness

Ambition - a strong drive for success

Amiable - wanting to please; friendly

Anarchy - a state of lawlessness and disorder

Anatomy - bodily structure of humans

Apprentice - a person who learns from an employer

Ardent - intense emotion

Artificial - not natural

Ascension - the act of movement upward

Bandit - armed thief

Banish - drive away

Barbarian - a member of an uncivilized people

Benefactor - a person who helps people 

Caravan - a procession traveling together in single file

Cavalier - given to haughty disregard of others

Chronicle - make a historical record

Circumvent - avoid or go around

Clamor - loud, persistent outcry from many people

Commend - express approval of

Competent - sufficiently qualified or capable

Conscience - a feeling of shame when you do something immoral

Consecrate - set apart for a high purpose

Controversy - dispute with strong disagreement

Conversion - a spiritual change to lead a new life

Convert - a person who has come to believe in another religion

Copious - large in number or quantity 

Courteous - gracious good manners

Culminate - to reach a final or decisive point

Dainty - delicately beautiful

Dedicate - set apart to sacred uses

Delegation - a group of representatives

Delude - be false to; be dishonest with

Delusion - a mistaken opinion or idea

Destitute - poor enough to need help from others

Dethrone - remove a monarch from the throne

Devote - set aside or apart for a specific use

Devout - devoutly religious; earnest

Dispensary - clinic where medical supplies are given out

Distribute - give out

Eccentricity - strange and unconventional behavior

Economic - relating to the economy

Elaborate - rich in detail

Emerge - come out into view

Eminence - high status importance

Enshrine - enclose in a shrine; hold sacred

Enterprise - industrious undertaking 

Entreat - ask for or request earnestly

Envoy - someone on a mission representing someone else

Excavate - find by digging in the ground

Excess - more than is needed

Exile - expel from a country

Expansion - increasing something in size

Expedition - a purposeful journey 

Exploit - a notable achievement

Expostulation - an expression of earnest opposition or protest

Extravagant - recklessly wasteful

Fallacious - based on incorrect information

Fanatic - marked by intense devotion to a cause or idea

Fertile - marked by great fruitfulness

Filial - generations following the parental generation

Foreign - of another place or part of the world

Forfeit - surrendered as a penalty

Founder - a person who starts an institution

Genetic - tending to occur among members of a family usually by heredity

Ghastly - shockingly repellent

Grotesque - abnormal and hideous

Haven - a safe shelter

Hearsay - gossip

Horde - a vast multitude; a moving crowd

Impending - close in time; about to occur

Imposing - impressive in appearance

Incentive - motivational influence

Incumbent - currently holding an office

Inference - making a logical judgment on the basis of evidence

Influential - having or exercising influence or power

Ingenuity - the power of creative imagination

Instantaneous - occurring with no delay

Intellectual - involving intelligence rather than emotions

Interpreter - mediator between speakers of different languages

Intrepid - invulnerable to fear or intimidation

Intrepid - not vulnerable to fear or intimidation; brave

Itinerant - traveling from place to place to work

Jetty - protective structure that prevents a beach from washing away

Leaflet - a small book usually having a paper cover

Legacy - the long-lasting impact of a person’s life

Linguistic - related to language

Loathsome - highly offensive

Locomotion - the power or ability to move

Lucrative - producing a sizable profit

Magistrate - a public official with judicial authority

Malaria - disease caused by bite of a mosquito shown by chills and fever

Malicious - intending to do harm; mean

Malignant - dangerous to health

Martyr - one who dies for refusing to give up their religion

Massacre - the savage killing of many people

Methodology - the system of disciplined methods 

Monarch - a nation's ruler

Monotonous - tediously repetitious

Motley - containing a variety of sorts of things

Navigate - direct or plot the path

Nomadic - people tending to travel

Nominally - in name only

Nuisance - anything that disturbs or annoys

Observant - paying close attention 

Ore - a mineral that contains metal that is valuable enough to be mined

Pagan - not acknowledging the God of Christianity

Parish - a local church community

Perish - die

Perplex - make more complicated

Persecution - oppressing or mistreating

Perseverance - persistent determination

Pioneer - one of the first to settle a new territory

Plateau - a relatively flat highland

Pliable - flexible and adjustable 

Precarious - dangerously insecure

Precede - come before; be earlier in time

Precipice - a very steep cliff

Predicament - an unpleasant situation

Prejudice - unfair partiality

Prevalence - being widespread in numbers or amount

Primitive - simple or naive in style

Privation - depriving someone of needs

Profuse - produced or growing in extreme abundance

Progeny - the immediate descendants of a person

Prolong - lengthen in time

Protestation - strong declaration of objection

Provision - something necessary that is supplied

Punitive - inflicting punishment

Putrid - having a foul odor

Quagmire - a soft wet area of land that sinks underfoot

Queue - a braid of hair at the back of the head

Rapid - speedy; moving with speed

Rapport - trust and agreement between people

Ravage - devastate or destroy

Recruit - find and enlist a new member

Redemption - purchasing back; saving from sin

Repast - the food served and eaten at one time

Rite - established ceremony

Sacred - concerned with religion or religious purposes

Scrupulous - having a sense of right and wrong

Secular - concerning things not dealing with the church

Seminary - a theological school for training ministers

Stamina - enduring strength and energy

Stealthy - taking pains to avoid being observed

Stipulate - speak a requirement

Submerge - cover completely usually with water

Subsequent - following in time or order

Succor - help in a difficult situation

Superstitious - ignorant faith in magic or chance

Supervision - overseeing the performance of a person or group

Suspicious - openly distrustful

Synopsis - a summary of the main points

Teetotaler - a person who never drinks alcohol

Theology - the study of God

Thwart - hinder or prevent

Toil - work hard

Traipse - walk or tramp about

Traverse - travel across

Traverse - travel across

Treacherous - dangerously unstable and unpredictable

Tributary - a stream flowing into a larger stream

Tribute - something given to show honor

Trio - three people 

Turbulent - in disorder or unrest

Turmoil - violent disturbance

Tyranny - form of government with absolute dictator

Ubiquitous - being present everywhere at once

Unbridled - uncontrolled

Uncanny - unusual or abnormal

Undaunted - courageous; unshaken in purpose

Undermine - hinder normal operations

Vast - unusually great in size or amount

Vicar - a clergyman appointed to act as priest of a parish

Vice - moral weakness

Vigor - strength of body or mind

Villain - wicked or evil character

Vivid - clear or colorful
